ALIM Web Help

To Register a ProjectWise Document that Creates a New ALIM Web Document

This topic describes how to register a new document in ALIM Web, when registering a ProjectWise document. (To register a new revision or add files into existing ALIM Web document, see To Register a New ALIM Web Revision from a ProjectWise Document, or, To Register a Document from ProjectWise into an Existing ALIM Web Document.

Note: When registering a document from ProjectWise, the new ALIM Web document will be related to the Project.

Follow these steps to register a ProjectWise Document within a new ALIM Web document.

  1. In ProjectWise, create a new document in the Project, and specify the document number and revision into the configured attributes.
    Tip: If you leave configured/mapped document number and revision attributes undefined in ProjectWise, when a document is registered and created in ALIM Web, the document number and revision values are automatically assigned as per the template.
    Note: A document with that number and revision must not already exist in ALIM Web.
  2. In ALIM Web, open the ProjectWise Explorer in the Navigation pane.
  3. In the navigation tree, select the project that you want to work on.
  4. From the Object menu, select Synchronize Data. The Synchronize Data dialog appears.
  5. Click Create Job. A message appears stating that a job is being created.
  6. When the job is completed, the ProjectWise document appears in the project folder in the Navigation pane, and the ProjectWise is synchronized to it.
  7. Select the document and a link to the document appears in the Content pane.